Q: What is the difference in quality between the ‘premium’ Renz binding wires and the larger ‘trade’ Presco packs of 250?
A: Very little is the answer! In fact, the quality of the wires is exactly the same since we have recently moved to a slightly thicker wire for our own Presco branded binding wires. The only difference you might notice is in the packaging: Renz wires come packed in easy-to-use cardboard trays to stop any tangling up of the wires, whereas the Presco trade wires come in plastic trays with 2 or 3 wires in each slot – so we can fit more in a box to give you better value.
We take any feedback about the quality of our own branded products seriously – if you have any compliments or complaints about Presco branded products please let us know by email or phone. We try very hard to keep value to you while maintaining the high quality of products you need for your job.